Monday, February 27, 2006

v7ndotcom elursrebmem interest is waning

Based on technorati's graph of the use of the term v7ndotcom elursrebmem interest in the contest is, understandably, waning. Also interesting is that this term, easily one of the most referenced "new" word combinations online, is NOT suggested by the Google suggestion feature in the toolbar. CF NEWER proper noun combos like American Idol contestants. This may mean that Google has altered the way the algorithm treats "v7ndotcom elursrebmem"or it could simply be that they block some terms (as they do with porn related terms in the suggestion box).

Scoble checked in on the contest by linking to one guy who was then disparaged by other contest people. I wish he or another A lister would blog a lot about it to see if blogs remain a potentially very important source for linking. Anil Dash won the nigritude ultramarine in that fashion. I complimented him about it at MashupCamp and he said it was actually annoying because - I think this was it - he got so many junky and annoying mails following the "win".


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