Wednesday, April 26, 2006

V7ndotcom Elursrebmem Contest status

I'd wrongly suggested that the number one V7ndotcom contest site was probably by Dave Naylor but it looks likes it's by a "not so famous" SEO dude named Dan Freakley over in the UK.

I'd just like to say "Brilliant, Dan, Brilliant"

His effort reminds me of my talk with the winner of the Nigritude Ultramarine contest last year. Anil Dash. Anil said he just did it as a lark, wondering if his blog prominence would give him a high rank. It did and he won.

The moral of these stories, and my own experiences watching failed attempts by expensive SEO "experts", is that few sites need professional SEO optimization. I'd guess more would be hurt than helped by it. There are a handful of really good SEO folks out there but if you know them you are already so well informed you can probabably do the SEO yourself with advice from the top folks who tend to hang at the big internet conferences and share great information for the cost of a few beers.